The multi-chain lending protocol fully controlled by DAO
The multi-chain lending protocol fully controlled by DAO
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Yield Farming
Put your crypto assets to work and generate the highest possible returns
Tired of having to provide not one, but two assets for each liquidity pool on Uniswap? So are we. That’s why DeFiPie allows you to farm $PIE depositing just one asset. Forget liquidity locks and payout schedule: now you can withdraw assets and rewards whenever you want. Put your tokens to work and enjoy maximum returns, every day.
Yield Farm
Swapping assets between ETH and BSC networks is easier and cheaper than ever
Down with ridiculously high ETH gas fees! With DeFiPie bridge, you can swap $PIE between ETH and Binance Smart Chain - a faster and cheaper alternative to Ethereum. Enjoy lower costs, higher speed, and larger rewards – all for a tiny swapping fee. Interested in our White Label ETH/BSC cross-chain bridge? Contact us for details!
Deposit a single asset and enjoy daily rewards effortlessly. No more asset pairs!
Staking with DeFiPie dApp is super-easy. Provide tokens for lending and borrowing transactions and receive rewards – just like bank deposit interest, only much higher. Explore our liquidity pools now and select the most attractive staking opportunity
Borrow & Lending
Like a classic bank, but decentralised and better: get the most out of your crypto
DeFiPie is a real decentralised bank, helping users to earn lending interest and take out crypto loans. Don’t have free crypto to invest? Then borrow some tokens on DeFiPie and use them for staking to generate extra farming rewards (yes, this actually works).
Custom Pools
Decentralized Finance is one of the most quickly growing innovations in financial services.
Still waiting for Compound to add your favourite altcoin? We have a better solution: create a custom liquidity pool in DeFiPie app and wait till your token starts to generate profit. In DeFiPie, you make your own rules: stake what you want, whenever you want.
The SuperApp
of DeFi
This is a fast and easy way for participants to loan or borrow but they won't
necessarily access the best possible rates. Furthermore, the assets that are
available to be collateralized in this mode will be limited to the most liquid and stable.